How to Submit Guest Post for Successful Link Building? (8 steps) - WebyLinks

How to Submit Guest Post for Successful Link Building? (8 steps)

How to Submit Guest Post for Successful Link Building? (8 steps)
Posted by Ashlie February 12, 2024

Welcome to one of the easiest and effective guide that’ll help you to initiate guest blogging. You’ll find a myriad of guest positing opportunities in this blog by following which you can submit guest post pitches and get quick responses too!

According to

“Backlinks exist to point people to useful resources. That’s why they’re clickable.”

And yes for that backlinks Guest posting is one of the best way to get more clicks.

In this comprehensive guide you’ll learn 8 easy steps to create quality guest posts for your website!

Let’s learn together:

How to Submit Guest Post Blogs in 8 easy steps (2024 Edition)

In 2024, with increasing competition Guest posts are literally a gold treasure for anyone who understands the working of it!


How to Submit a Guest Post

In these 8 steps You can  learn the quickest way to submit a guest post that get responses.

1st Step: Understand The Scope of Guest Posting

Before you dive deep to start writing guest posts, it is first and foremost vital to understand the scope and possible benefits that a guest post blog will provide to your particular small blog or business.

2nd Step: Look for Potential Guest Posting Opportunities

Let’s get to work now! In order to submit a guest blogging post, you’ll first have to identify the most relatable platforms which matches with the niche of your specific business or blog. You can always look up to tools including SEMrush, or Ahrefs to find the most suitable websites.

Try the following strings that you can use to find the potential guest post site today:

E.g you are looking for technology guest post, use the below ones:


  • guest post + technology
  • guest post technology
  • guest post” + technology
  • travel+guest post”

Pro-tip: Don’t forget to consider the Relevance, Domain Authority (DA), and the website’s engagement before proceeding forward.

3rd Step: Target Audience

The guest posting site that you’re going to approach must be relevant to your target audience. Consider guest posting not the only way to get quality backlinks. It’s more about providing the right value to the right target audience.

4th Step: Prepare the Pitch

One simple way to get your pitch rejected from any guest posting site is to send the same generic pitch. You need to write customized pitches and start sending it to every other guest post blog thus to increase the chances for getting published.

Here is a sample pitch that you can customize:

Guest post  Pitch

Use this generic template and customize it to enhance your business’s chance to submit a guest post.

5th Step: Create Quality Content

Getting the pitch accepted is only half the job, you’ll now need to prepare the highest quality top-notch guest post blog that is perfect by every means. Remember a seo guest post is tricky to write, and even trickier to rank (we’ll talk about that in another blog).

In order to prepare the most high-quality blog, confirm the presence of the following top elements in your blog:

  • Organic Keyword Optimization
  • Engaging visuals (with Alt Text)
  • H1, H2, H3s…
  • FAQs

These are only few of the elements that quality guest posts include, you can always look up to the leading guest posting maestros to mimic the blog layout on SERPs.

6th Step: SEO Content Optimization

Time to optimize the guest post placement. The completion of a top-notch guest blog requires it to be more SEO-Friendly which is a broad field. The quickest essence of a SEO optimization protocol roams around using the focus, primary, and secondary keywords in an organically strategic manner.

Step 7: Guest Post Placement

Guest Post Placement

Guest Post Placement basically works like a ‘cherry on top’.

Afterwards to submit a guest post, it’s time to now actively engage with the readers. Mainly because remember it’s the value that we’ve to deliver through the blog. It means that aligning quality engagement by means of adding CTA (Call-to-Action) notes in every message.

Step 8: Digital Follow-ups

It’s now time to show your gratitude to the guest posting site for their valuable favor. Although, it’s your hard work to prepare the blog, do the research, and make it SEO-Friendly. But, it was that Guest blogging post site that showcase your talent!

Guest post Follow-ups


Putting an end to our discussion now!

We truly cannot deny the importance of successful link building in today’s era. Neither can we put extreme focus on how essential guest posting is for a business these days (in a single blog).

But, By in this easy to follow yet comprehensive guide you can easily find 8 steps that are proven to give 100% effective results in terms of increased website traffic to any online business or blog.


Writing guest blogs is an effective way to generate quality backlinks for your website. However, the tricky SEO techniques that one must cultivate in their guest blog are hard to follow.

You’ll first have to extensively do research and distinguish authoritative guest posting websites according to your business’s niche. One tip to easily post your guest blogs on leading guest posting sites is to choose the sites with a stronger E-A-T value.

The answer is BOTH-Free and Paid. Guest posting in 2024 has been a major source of income for guest blogging sites with a rich DA rating.

Guest Post or Guest Blogging in 2024 is an Internet 2.0 marketing strategy that includes writing high-quality SEO Optimized blogs for other guest posting websites to advertise/promote your business in return.

A typical long-form content must be in between 1500-2000 words. Whilst, a short-form content should be more than 1000 words. The former is proven to generate 77% more backlinks and is more effective than a latter form content type.