Terms & Conditions - WebyLinks

Terms & Conditions

The following agreement shown below is between Webylinks and you.It regulates how you use our services.By registering yourself on Webylinks and making use of any service, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and consented to be legally obligated by the provided Terms and Conditions.

If you disagree with any of the term or policy please do not use the service or register yourself on Webylinks.

The rights are reserved for Webylinks to change terms and condition without informing the users.Whenever you will utilize the service, existing edition of Terms and Conditions will be applied.You have the option to examine latest rendition of terms and conditions anytime.Upon agreeing on these terms and conditions, it becomes your responsibility to periodically verify and updates changes according to it.

Webylinks has the right to break the registration between users if unfaithful work will be detected.

Basic Definitions

  • Representatives of Webylink’s support system is called Administration.
  • Account is a unique system of Webylinks users,allowed to use any function available in that particular account.
  • User is known as anyone who unlocks Webylinks services.
  • A buyer is a person using Buyers account of Webylinks to initiate tasks or Open offers with intention of engaging publisher services.

Eligibility Criteria

To sign up in Webylinks you need to be of sixteen years old 16. By registering with Webylinks you confirm that the details you provide are honest and precise and you commit to keep this information up to date.Its important to note that Webylinks accounts cannot be transferred, assigned or sold under any circumstances.

Registration Process for Accounts

To enroll in the Services, you can create a personal user account (referred to as an Account).Provide accurate and detailed information.

You shall not select the username or a name;

  • Of another person
  • Except with proper authorization, this is subject to the rights of people other than yourself.
  • That is otherwise inappropriate, indecent or offensive.

Using someone else’s user account or registration details for the Services without permission is strictly prohibited. If there is any security breach or unauthorized use of your Account, you must inform us promptly. Sharing login information for your Account through publishing, distribution, or posting is strictly discouraged.

Prohibited Activities

Breaking any law ordinance or regulation.

This is related to actions involving;

  • Promotion of hate, violence, racial or any form of discriminatory intolerance,as well as financial exploitation of crimes.
  • Cigerrates.
  • Products that promote, encourage or facilitate instructions for engaging in illegal activities.
  • Products such as narcotics,steroids, specific controlled substance or items posing risk to consumer safety.
  • Drugs.
  • Stolen products including digital and virtual items.

Here are the listed items rephrased and presented in bullet points:

  • Items categorized as obscene.
  • Goods that infringe or violate copyrights, trademarks, rights of publicity, privacy, or any other proprietary rights in any jurisdiction’s laws.
  • Certain sexually oriented materials or services.
  • Ammunition, firearms, certain firearm parts or accessories.
  • Certain weapons or knives regulated by applicable laws.

Related to actions that;

  • Connected with offering or receiving payments for purpose of bribery or corruption.
  • Displaying personal information of third parties is violation and against the law.
  • Promote pyramid schemes other “get rich quick” schemes, as well as certain multi-level marketing programs.
  • Associated with purchases of annuities or lottery contracts, lay-away systems,offshore banking, or credit card-funded transactions for debt financing or refinancing.
  • Utilized by payment processors to collect payments on behalf of merchants.
  • Linked to the sale of traveler’s checks or money orders.
  • Engage in currency exchanges or check cashing businesses.
  • Involve certain credit repair, debt settlement services, credit transactions, or insurance activities.

Relate to the sale of products recognized by government organizations as having a significant probability of being deceptive.

Termination Right

Each party holds the right to terminate the following agreement at its own discretion by providing written notice to other party.

Consequences of Termination

Upon termination of this agreement the rights of affected users with the use of websites or any Webylinks service will be terminated immediately.


Upon the termination of this Agreement for any cause, provisions concerning indemnification, warranties,and their limitations, confidentiality, protection of proprietary rights and trade secrets.

Also, any rules that need to stay active after the agreement ends to fulfill their purpose will keep going until they’re no longer needed for that purpose.

Intellectual Property, Ownership and Utilization of Trademarks

User agrees that all rights including patents, rights, intellectual property rights,trademarks, database rights, moral secrets, trading rights, and trade secrets (along with any licenses), whether registered or not, and applicable globally or in specific countries, within the Services and platform (technology, software), any provided code or software (such as APIs), as well as resulting work and accompanying documentation solely and exclusively belong to us.

Any ownership or title rights are not obtained by Webylinks

User’s usage rights for the Websites, Services, or any part are strictly governed by the terms of this Agreement, and all rights not expressly granted are reserved by us.

Webylinks Trademark: The names Webylinks.com®is an unique symbol that represent our brand. They are trademarks, which are like special signs, names, or designs owned by us and our partners. Other symbols, images, names, and logos you see on the Websites are also trademarks of us and our partners, or they belong to other people. These other people might or might not be connected to us, and they might have their own rules about how you can use their trademarks. You need to ask for permission before using any hidden words or symbols that belong to us or them.

Users are not allowed to provide Webylinks ideas, suggestions or any comments about the website, services.

Warranty and Limited Liability


The services and website are offered ‘as-is’ and ‘as available’.We do not provide any implied warranty.Also we don’t guarantee that the website or service will fulfill your need, error-free, legal or virus-free.


Employees , agents, workers in no event shall be liable to you.Our liability to you for damage of this agreement will be 50 dollars it can be more depends on the damage, and if this is not agreed by the user than Webylinks will deduct amount from users account that he have made in past 12 months.

Indemnity/Responsibility for Damages

According to this agreement you agree to defend Webylinks and its agents, managers, employees and team against any claim , damage and obligation caused by

a .use of services and websites.

b .Your violation of this agreement.

c .Your violation of copy right, privacy or any third party error

This duty to defend and compensate will continue even after this Agreement ends and you stop using the Services and Websites.


Webylinks won’t be held responsible if it can’t fulfill its obligations due to events like strikes, shortages, riots, acts of terrorism, natural disasters, Internet issues, or other factors beyond its control.The Agreement encompasses the entire understanding between the parties and replaces prior agreements, written or oral, about the subject matter. Changes or waivers must be written. Invalid provisions are replaced with valid ones closest to the original intent. Webylinks isn’t liable for unforeseen events. The parties are independent, not creating agency or employment relationships. The Agreement doesn’t grant third-party rights. You can’t transfer your rights without Webylink’s consent. We may update terms. Continued use implies acceptance. Our team can modify or discontinue Services. Appearance may change.

Content Creation and Publication

 By publishing content you’ll be the copyright holder.Phonographic content is strictly prohibited.

We reserve the rights to remove any posted content.We have a policy to stop and remove people who repeatedly break the rules.

Duration of Publications

Webylinks isn’t accountable for third-party actions, like publication availability or domain metrics. We reviews posts within 90 days, addressing buyer claims.

Terms and Conditions for Buyers

  • 5 days will be the limitation to consider offers or tasks from buyers.
  • All bids are deleted after specific time.
  • When you’ll accept the task from buyer you have to complete the task by the time specified by the buyer.
  • Prices are precisely set by the publishers upon their will.
  • If Buyer’s needs aren’t met and paid content is removed, a refund is given from Publisher’s account; if insufficient, the account can be frozen pending investigation.

Task is removed if

  • It is awaited in YOUR ACCEPTANCE section more than a week
  • It has been in the IN PROGRESS section for more than a week and publisher has not sent the task for approval.
  • Changes upon submitted content is not possible, however buyer can ask for re-do process.
  • IF; Buyer returns task for about 3 times.
  • Or buyer fails to send conditions in an 3 day time span than.
  • Publisher can report this issue to administration.


  • All conversations between Buyers and Publishers are saved on Webylink’s server and can be used by the Administration to resolve conflicts.
  • Publishers can’t alter link text or content, block indexing, or remove posts from requested pages for at least 90 days.
  • If these rules are violated, Webylinks can limit the account, remove the site, lower ratings, or deduct costs from the Publisher’s balance.
  • Administration can temporarily suspend a Publisher’s account to investigate a breach or delete the account if rules are violated.

Forbidden website categories

  • Marketplaces
  • Announcement Marketplaces
  • Dating
  • Adult
  • Gambling
  • Sports Betting
  • Competitive Services
  • Binary Options
  • Unlicensed Software, Hacking, Cheat Codes
  • Occult and Magical Services
  • Sale of Counterfeit Items
  • Cigarettes, Smoking, Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Weapons, Arms, Armament
  • Forums and Open Web Platforms
  • Fraudulent Activities
  • Financial Pyramids
  • Forex Trading
  • Medical Websites Without Valid Licenses
  • Moderator assesses websites for user-friendliness; rejection is possible for poor visual appeal. Admin may alter moderation decisions even after approval, and a previously accepted site could be rejected if quality worsens or rules are no longer met.

Terms and Conditions for Publishers

  • Buyers select website where they want to publish their ad based on what publisher had  shared on Webylinks. Then ad details are sent to the choose platform.
  • Rejection of Task;
  • It has been awaited in ‘PUBLISHER ACCEPTANCE’ more than a week.
  • It has been in the’ IN PROGRESS ‘status for more than a week than it is automatically removed.
  • If the task has been approved as in the in progress section that buyer has no right to contact Webylinks team to cancel the particular publisher if following conditions are faced;
  • The task is been in progress section for about a week.
  • If publisher is not responding to your messages.
  • No signs of publisher working on that task.
  • All communication between buyers and publishers are monetized by Webylinks team.
  • Redoing demands are not acceptable in any situation.
  • If there is disagreement, unclear task details than we will be in favour of publisher.
  • IF;
  • Buyer returns task for about 3 time
  • Or buyer fails to send conditions in an 3 day time span than,
  • Publisher can report this issue to administration.

If the buyer is inactive and has not logged into his/her account for long time than inactive fee will be deducted by Webylinks.

  • Content Purchase:

Buyers can buy articles by making an order using their Buyer account. They can choose categories, themes, word counts, and other details.

  • Ordering Articles

When ordering Articles, Buyers must give accurate and complete information. They’re responsible for the info provided and any outcomes, including any misunderstandings due to inaccurate details.

Acceptance of Articles

  • Once article is submitted for review. Buyers can
  • Accept the article,mini-article
  • Request a revision of article and limitation of reviews per article is maximized to one.
  • For revisions, Buyers must clearly describe changes needed in the Article. If the author can’t make the changes, the Buyer can reject the Article, and the payment for that can be discussed with administration  later on.
  • Buyer gains no rights or ownership over an article until it’s fully accepted and paid for. Once accepted and paid, Buyer gains rights to publish, display, distribute, and more in various media worldwide.

By proceeding Further, you are accepting following conditions:

  • As a default action, all websites will be added as a contributor (this will also extend to outreach specialists). Once you have added the site, as a site owner, you’ll have the ability to verify your ownership
  • As a publishers you confirm all your rights of posting content to websites that you have added to Webylinks, moreover as an outreach specialist you’ll be establishing a cooperative relationship wit owners of those websites.
  • By failing to fulfill the tasks accepted by buyers, or In case you’ll be unable to post content on websites than Webylinks will delete the sites from your account or your entire account will be removed.
  • Minimum number of website pages indexed by Google must be 50 (no less).
  • 6 months must be the age of domain (no less).
  • Domain Authority( DA ) will be 15 (no less).
  • 30% MOZ Spam Score will be considered by Webylinks team ( no more no less).
  • The use of free Web Hosting is not allowed.
  • The website is required to have unique, easily readable and regularly updated content.
  • In order to maintain a balanced order of website visitors, limited amount of website space is allowed to be covered with advertising.
  • The website should be free from intrusive advertising, pop-ups, pop-under, click-under, and any spammy content. Additionally, it should have a reasonable number of outgoing links.
  • Website that will violate any copyright is not allowed.
  • Make sure your website doesn’t harm any standards of morality and ethics upheld by the public.
  • Websites that are not allowed for guest posting are:
    • Adult
    • Dating sites
    • Betting upon Sports
    • Fraud Activities
    • Financial Pyramids.
  • Website can be rejected if it is not user appealing. Moderator will review the website briefly upon mentioned perspectives.

The Administration retains the right to alter moderation decisions even after a website has been approved or rejected. If the quality of the website deteriorates and no longer adheres to the existing moderation rules, it may be rejected even after initial approval.


The options for withdrawals are from PayPal accounts or USDT(TRC20) address.Please be aware that the amount shown on your Webylinks account may differ from the actual amount due to the deduction of commission fee.

Mode of Payment Commission in Percentage Additional Detail
USDT 5.05%       3.90% This fee will be applicable if you will choose USDT for withdrawal of payment.   This will be the fee for Webylinks services.
PAYPAL 5.00%                   3.90% We charge a fixed 4% commission on withdrawals to cover transaction fees, saving you from PayPal’s 2.9% to 6.4% commission, ensuring payment with no additional charges (applies to all publishers).     Fee that is charged by Webylinks team for additional advertisements to attract buyers.