Link Prospecting: A Complete Guide ( & What No One Tells You) - WebyLinks

Link Prospecting: A Complete Guide ( & What No One Tells You)

Link Prospecting: A Complete Guide ( & What No One Tells You)
Posted by Ashlie May 20, 2024

We are all aware of the fact that high-quality link-building is a super important and effective part of SEO. However, you must need to get more high-quality backlinks than low-quality ones in order to succeed with this method. So, This is where link prospecting comes into play. This is one of the SEO actions that helps you gather high-quality content from high-authority websites. 

It is essential to find and evaluate quality sites for link-building success. Without a strong link prospecting campaign, it is nearly impossible to get a worthy link. 

In this article, we will try to cover everything needed to acquire the best prospect links. From link prospecting strategy, their types, tools used for doing this task, and pro tips that help to obtain trustworthy backlinks, we will enfold all the stuff in this article, a complete link prospecting guide, and what no one tells you.

What is Link Prospecting?

Link prospecting is the process of finding and identifying potential websites or web pages that could link back to your own website.

It means finding new relevant websites to exchange links to your website. The process of searching and identifying do-follow links is important to improving your SEO strategy.

This process will directly impact your website; if you get a link from a low-ranked website, this will affect your site in return. With good links, your website might rank well. It’s like finding the right friends for your website!

You need to figure out your plan for getting relevant links and decide what kind of websites you’re looking for at the very first link prospecting stage.

Once you have your list, you need to check if these websites are good matches for your link-building goals. If they are, then you reach out to them and ask nicely if they’d like to link to your site. This part is called outreach. If everything goes well, you might end up with some new links for your website, which can help it rank better on Google!

Importance Of Link Prospecting In SEO

Link prospecting is crucial in SEO because it helps identify potential and niche relevant websites that can link back to your site. 

The importance of backlinks is identified by several aspects. 

  • By acquiring high-quality linkbacks, you can attract more organic traffic, resulting in high domain authority.
  • Getting links from websites that are reliable, increases your reliability too.
  • Effective backlinks help improve your website’s performance and help to make you a trustworthy source of information.
  • This process involves outreach and communication with other website owners that can help you build valuable relationships and collaborations within your industry, opening up opportunities for further growth and networking.

Benefits Of Effective Link Prospecting

Effective link prospecting provides various SEO benefits. In this article, you will find the top benefits of link prospecting.

  • Enhances domain authority and page ranking.
  • Increases organic traffic through improved SEO visibility.
  • Builds credibility and trust with your target audience.
  • It grows the reputation of a company and its reliability.
  • High quality link prospecting reduces dependency on a single platform.
  • A good link prospect leads to the gathering of high-quality backlinks and a diverse link portfolio.
  • Competitive advantage over competitors and long-term viability in SEO efforts.
  • Expanding reach to a wider audience guarantees visibility, builds website authority, and boosts referral traffic.

Types of Link Prospecting Opportunities

Finding the right kind of link prospects varies greatly depending on the strategies used.

Guest Posting: 

Guest Posting is the process of writing articles for other websites and including outgoing links back to your site in the post. It starts with prospecting, as you need to look for websites to publish your guest post. Interact with industry-specific websites to produce guest posts with a backlink to your website. Identify blogs that accept guest contributions and offer value to their audience to grab these opportunities.

Resource page link building: 

The resource page link-building process is a strategy used in SEO to acquire backlinks from high-quality websites. Resource pages are collections of useful links and data that website owners have carefully selected. You have to be open while prospecting, as you have to reach lots of websites and then list them down based on the domain authority. Find industry-related reference pages that are relevant to your work, then strongly request that your information be added.

Broken Link Building: 

Another useful process while prospecting is broken link building. The process of finding dead links on other websites and reaching out to webmasters to replace them with your newly created resource. This mutually advantageous method assists website owners in fixing broken links while earning linkbacks for their sites.

Competitor Link Prospecting: 

We need solid research for better prospecting. It can be done by evaluating the backlink profiles of the competitors to find possible places to link. Determine which websites link to several opponents but not to yours, and then use this information to launch outreach campaigns.  

How to do link prospecting?

Now we know what link prospecting actually is. We need to know how we can do link prospecting. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the process effectively:

Step 1: Define your goals: 

Before starting link prospecting, it is really important to define your goal clearly. 

First Identify what you want to do through a link-building campaign and whether it’s increasing traffic to the website, improving search engine rankings, or enhancing brand visibility. 

For example, if your goal is to boost website traffic for your marketing brand, your link prospecting efforts might focus on getting links from high-traffic business blogs or news websites like SEJouranl.

Step 2: Know Your Audience:

Understanding your target audience is important for effective link prospecting. Identify who your target audience is, what kind of topics they are interested in, and where they spend their time on screen. 

For example, if your target audience is interested in technology, you might target tech-related forums, social media groups, and online communities for link prospects.

Step 3: Choose link Prospecting Methods

There are three main types of link prospecting methods:

  1. Manual Link prospecting: Manual methods include manually researching and identifying link prospects. 
  2. Semi-automated Prospecting: These methods utilize tools to simplify the process of finding prospects.
  3. Automated Link prospecting: Automated methods depend on software to generate link prospects automatically

So Depending on your resources and preferences, you can choose the method that best matches your needs and goals.

Step 4: Identify link prospects

After deciding on your link prospecting method, start identifying relevant websites and platforms where you can get backlinks. 

Search for websites relevant to your niche or industry with considerable domain authority and engagement. 

The following operators can be used to Identify Websites.


Within a certain website, the site operator lets you search for particular content. For instance, searching “keyword” will get results on that contain your keyword. As you can see below, I searched for Content Marketing:


You can search for web pages with specific phrases or keywords in the title by using the intitle: operator. For instance, searching for  intitle:”link insertions” “keyword” , you will find opportunities related to your keywords.


You can find pages using specific phrases or keywords in the URL by using the

inurl: operator. When you type inurl:resources “keyword,” for instance, resource pages containing your keyword will be returned.

Step 5: Evaluate Prospecting Matrices

When evaluating link prospects, consider metrics such as

  • Domain Authority (DA)
  • Page authority (PA)
  • Organic Traffic 
  • Traffic Value 
  • Trust Score

Pro Tip: You Can Check This Metrics With A Number Of Tools available for free e.g SEMrush, Moz, Ahrefs and more.

Step 6: Find Relevant Contacts

Once you have identified feasible link prospects, find the right people to contact for outreach. Check the website for contact details, such as email addresses or forms, or send an email through social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter. To improve the chance of receiving a favorable response, personalize your outreach messages. 

ProTip: Use their name while contacting them and provide specific scenarios of why you think working together will be beneficial to both sides.

Step 7: Execute Your Prospecting Plan

Create engaging outreach emails that make it transparent why working with you will be beneficial. Highlight the mutual benefits of the partnership and offer to provide quality content or additional benefits in exchange for a backlink. 

If you don’t get a response right away, follow up with reminders, but don’t be aggressive or annoying.

Step 8: Monitor And Measure Results

After doing outreach, monitor the progress of your link-building campaign and the outcome of the backlinks you have gained. Use tools like Google Analytics to assess changes in website traffic, search engine rankings, and domain authority over time. 

Adjust your link prospecting strategy depending on the results to continuously improve your link-building efforts and achieve your goals. 

For example, if you notice an impressive increase in website traffic as a result of a specific backlink appropriation, consider recreating similar connections in the future.

Things To Look For During Link Prospecting

In the process of acquiring backlinks, you have to check several key considerations:

  • Relevance: Make sure the websites are related to your niche so that you can maximize the value of acquired backlinks.
  • Authority: Authority refers to prioritizing websites with high credibility and domain authority to enhance the impact of backlinks.
  • Engagement: Look for signs of user interaction like comments, shares, and social media activity.
  • Link Profile: Check for diversity in anchor text and sources to avoid harmful backlinks.
  • Content Quality: Assess if the content is relevant, genuine, and human-curated.
  • Outbound Links: Ensure that outbound links are relevant to maintain credibility.

Top 3 Tools For Link Prospecting

Here are the top three link prospecting tools:


Ahrefs is a helpful tool for finding links on the internet. It helps you see who is linking to different websites. This can be useful for improving your own website’s ranking.

Tools like Ahrefs have many features to help you find new links and see how well your link-building efforts are going. It also lets you see what links your competitors are getting. 

Overall, using a tool like Ahrefs is a great way to improve your website’s visibility online.


SEMrush is a great tool for finding websites where you can get links. It helps you see what your competitors are doing, keep track of your own links, and find new places to get links. It’s easy to use, and lots of marketers like it because it is one of the best link prospecting tools.

Moz Link Explorer:

Moz Link Explorer is like a detective for finding good links. It’s a tool that helps you see which websites link to other sites.

This tool is helpful for finding new places to get links from. You can use it to see what links your competitors have, and maybe you can get similar ones.

It’s like peeking into a treasure map to find valuable links for your website. Link prospecting becomes effortless with Moz Link Explorer!

Link Prospecting Tips

Quality over quantity:

Emphasize acquiring backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites instead of pursuing a large volume of links.

Personalized Outreach:

Tailor outreach messages to suit the individual needs and interests of potential partners, fostering genuine connections. 

Relationship Building:

Invest time in nurturing relationships with influencers, bloggers, and webmasters to create a sustainable link-building network.

Stay updated on trends:

Regularly monitor industry trends and algorithm updates to adjust prospecting strategies in response to changes in the digital landscape.


In conclusion, link prospecting is a powerful strategy for boosting your website’s visibility and credibility. You may generate important backlinks that boost your online presence by conducting thorough research and approaching relevant websites. Remember, it’s not just about quantity but also about the quality of links you secure. Thus, continue to explore, be persistent, and see how your website grows in search engine optimization results!


A link prospect is a potential website or online platform identified during the link prospecting process that could provide valuable backlinks to enhance authority in search engine rankings, thus improving SEO performance.

A link strategy is a methodical approach to acquiring high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites to improve a site’s visibility and search engine ranking.

The link building strategy is the initial phase of the link building strategy you plan. It includes cultivating relationships with potential link sources. Link building, on the other hand, is the process of actually acquiring and placing backlinks on external websites.

The success of link prospecting efforts can be measured using various metrics, such as the number of acquired backlinks, domain authority of linking sites, and organic traffic growth in search engine rankings.

When analyzing link profiles, it’s essential to consider factors like domain authority, relevance, anchor text diversity, and the presence of toxic or spammy backlinks that could impact SEO performance.