How To Get Niche Relevant Backlinks To Improve Website Quality?

How To Get Niche Relevant Backlinks To Improve Website Quality

How To Get Niche Relevant Backlinks To Improve Website Quality
Posted by Ashlie January 1, 2024

When we talk about the world of search engine optimization (SEO), the significance of backlinks is primary in establishing a website’s trustworthiness, expertise, and prominence. The technique of Niche Relevant Backlinks, those that are associated with a specific niche, emerges as a powerful instrument in driving a website’s SEO higher.

What is Niche Relevant Backlinks?

These are known as links that come from websites or pages that are similar to what your website is about. These links are essential for SEO because they show that your website is connected to meaningful and relevant stuff in its field.

The aim is to get links from websites that talk about the same things or work in the same field as your website. For instance, if your website is about interior design or decorating the interior of homes, you’d want a link from a site that talks about planning, designing, or managing these kinds of places. But it’s best to avoid getting niche specific backlinks from sites that talk about different things that have nothing to do with your website.

A few backlinks from websites about something other than your website are average. Sometimes, websites talk about multiple niches or use keywords that aren’t strictly related.

However, it’s super important that most of your backlinks come from websites related to your website’s topic. If you get links from websites that have nothing to do with your topic, it might look strange and spammy. This could get your website in trouble with Google, and they might penalize you by making your site harder to find or even removing it from Google altogether.

How do you find niche Relevant Backlinks?

To find relevant websites, search on Google for your relevant website. Here are three remarkable strategies for finding relevant backlinks for your website;

Locate Relevant Websites from Google Search Operators

Understanding the way websites engage with Google is crucial to understanding better SEO. Google provides site owners with various search operator commands, referred to as operators, which aid in monitoring websites. These Google search operators are straightforward – they are directly entered into the regular search box for immediate use.

For example, I am taking a random website example from Google and through search operator ‘site: link building’

The search results will be like this;

Google search operator

By utilizing this search operator, you can calculate an estimated number of articles a website has created concerning a specific subject. This proves beneficial when assessing the relevance of a website concerning your own.

Locate Relevant Websites from Google Search Operators

Using this approach will provide you with a combination of websites that are either direct competitors or related in some way. The related but not direct competitors are more likely to include links to your website.

To get more specific, you can use the  ‘inurl: ‘  search operator to find the websites you have in mind.

'inurl: ‘  search operator

Use the Domain Overview feature

Semrush stands as one of the most popular SEO tools available. It aids digital marketing experts like us and business owners like you in keeping track of our SEO strategies, doing keyword research, and exploring competitors.

The domain overview feature in SeMrush is a fantastic method for discovering potential links relevant to your niche. The process is simple: input your main competitor’s website, and SeMrush will give you a list of all the other competitors that your main competitor links to.

In this section, you’ll see the Top 5 competitors of the domain you selected. I have input a random website from Google to provide an example.

When we apply this method to our agency’s website, we often notice that the domains that appear are primarily those of other link-building websites.

Due to the potential conflict of interest, we avoid contacting them for link purposes. Nevertheless, we can examine the websites they link to and perform a backlink intersect.

Check Backlink Gap to see what niche specific backlinks your competitors have that you don’t

If you are observing that your competitors are building links from specific websites, it is not difficult for you to reach them. Using the Backlink Gap tool on SeMrush, you can find niche-relevant websites that link to our competitors but don’t link to us.

SEMRush domain Backlink Gap

In the following section, you can see the list of domains that are providing backlinks to competitors but not you.


BEST: The best section will show you the domains that provide links to competitors but not you.

WEAK: Domains that point to Your domain less than to competitors.

STRONG: Domains that are providing links to your website only.

SHARED: Domains that you and the competitors share.

UNIQUE: Domains that point to only one domain.

While niche-relevant backlinks are valuable, the way you get them is distinct from acquiring other links.

How to Build Niche Relevant Backlinks? Best Strategies

As you aim to connect with websites and pages in your specific field, here are some recommended methods to consider when seeking these relevant links:

Clear link Building Strategy

This approach works well when you have many excellent stuff on your website. That way, you can get featured on websites that suggest valuable things in your field for people to check out. For example, if you have a blog about gardening, you’d want to be listed on a website’s “top gardening blogs” list.

Before you begin contacting websites, there are some things you should clarify:

  1. Decide the kind of websites you want to connect to your site.
  2. Determine how many links you want for each page on your site.
  3. Figure out what words should be used for the links (anchor text).
  4. Make sure your content is excellent to attract links.

Refine Your Backlink Profile

If you have created some backlinks, you must check their health. While you can review your links manually, a more practical approach is utilizing SeMrush’s Backlinking audit tool.

Semrush simplifies the process by offering various measures to assess your backlink profile’s status and overall condition. You can observe the number of active backlinks and their impact on your domain’s ranking and identify any broken or inactive links.

If you find any broken or inactive links, you can contact the website owner and discuss fixing the problem or addressing any necessary actions to keep that backlink intact. It’s a good idea to use this tool to review your backlinks every few months to ensure everything is in order, as a broken link could negatively impact your SEO performance.

Create High Quality and Unique Content

To generate relevant backlinks, these are the content tips you should know;

  • Provide detailed tutorials or informative articles about subjects in your field.
  • Craft a thorough handbook for your industry.
  • Blend data-driven content with visuals.
  • Conduct unique research and surveys.
  • Write about different viewpoints that provoke thought.
  • Share knowledge that only an industry authority could offer.

Build Relationships

Begin by interacting with them on social media, such as leaving comments on their posts or sharing their content. Also, consider participating in a Facebook group, providing answers on Quora or Linkedin, and joining other online conversations.

Over time, this could open the door to a mutual exchange of links or a chance a article or a guest post on their website, which would include a backlink in the author’s bio.

Remember, the aim is to make connections beyond a single link, so put your energy into fostering actual engagements on social media.

Ways to Create Backlinks that Align with Niche Specific

Strategy To use How to use
Guest Posting Guest posting is one of the most frequently used and successful techniques for building backlinks. If you’re skilled at creating content, it’s a straightforward and easy method.  It’s demanding towards the required time, but if executed properly, it carries risks. For perfect guest posting, follow these steps; Look for relevant blogs on your niche.Briefly study their content.Decide a topic according to that content Pitch for that particular site Please write an article that explains their services.Add a link to your article and receive a backlink when the website goes live.
Build Broken Links Fixing your broken links can improve your site’s SEO in no time. Also, you should know that; Broken links mostly lead you to broken links and error messages for users.Users get frustrated and leave the site, causing high bounce rates.Identifying broken links offers an excellent opportunity for quality backlinks. Proposing a solution to website owners can earn you valuable backlinks.
Content Marketing Attract backlinks with your content, but it should be of high quality that provokes the audience towards sharing your content, and in this way, you can link with others, too. Content like; InfographicsIn-depth Guides Expert Opinions FAQ can help you get your niche-relevant backlinks Creating a niche-related article, blog post, or video can organically attract niche-specific backlinks from other websites, even without requesting them.  


That covers the topic of relevant backlinks. In this article, we’ve guided you through understanding what link relevance means, how to assess it, and how to acquire relevant links.

While link relevance is essential, it’s not the only link-building factor. Sometimes, it takes work to secure highly niche specific backlinks. Links that might not be perfectly relevant can still be valuable due to their higher authority and influence.

This has clarified any uncertainties you might have had regarding link relevance. As you progress, you should feel confident in evaluating link relevance and utilizing it to enhance rankings and boost traffic for your SEO clients!

Faqs About Niche Relevant Backlinks

Finding relevant backlinks requires research for websites in the same niche or industry similar to your website.

Use search operators and correct use of keywords to locate potential websites.

Use SeMrush’s Backlink Gap Tool to discover backlinks linked to your competitors.

Backlink relevance is the correlation between the material on a website that provides a link and the content on the linked website.

If the content on the linking website is connected to what’s on the linked website, the backlink is seen as relevant. Relevant backlinks hold greater importance compared to those that aren’t related. It is also known as a relevant backlink.

Niche edit backlinks are a specific kind of backlink where a link is inserted into content already on a website.

Usually, these links are used in a blog post, article, or some other content that matches the niche or industry of the website aiming specifically for the backlink.

Following are the types of backlinks;

Broken Links Backlinks: These are obtained by locating broken links from other websites and suggesting a replacement link to the owner.

Directory Backlink: These types of Backlinks are obtained by submitting your website to a directory or a listing website.

Guest Post Backlink: Links taken by writing and publishing a blog post on a guest posting website or another website with a link back to your website.

These backlinks are obtained from high domain authority, relevant and trustworthy websites.

The most valuable backlinks are tier 1 backlinks, which can significantly impact a website’s ranking in SERPs search engine result pages.

The most common Tier 1 backlinks are links from top-tier industry publications, high-quality, unique blogs, and widely recognized websites within the same niche.

Niche-relevant backlinks are links from websites discussing similar or related subjects to your own.

Backlinks can originate from various kinds of websites. This stands as the primary distinction between niche-relevant backlinks and any other backlinks.

Relevant Backlinks pointing to websites within the same niche hold value as they aid search engines in identifying trustworthy sources of information regarding a specific product or service. These backlinks also contribute to increasing organic traffic and improving keyword rankings.