How The Choose The Best Article Writing Services? (+9 Platforms)

Article Writing Services: Best Article Writing Platforms Of 2024

Article Writing Services: Best Article Writing Platforms Of 2024
Posted by Ashlie November 1, 2023

What is an Article Writing Service?

Article writing services are services in which every business should invest. These staff writers have different backgrounds and match them with the client’s needs and make a wide variety of content engagement.

They will assist you in generating optimal topics and keywords for your content, enabling you to obtain a website, authentic materials, or any other necessities. Through delegating this writing task, you’ll free up time and effort to concentrate on your business, all while entrusting skilled writers to deliver their utmost for your benefit.

Benefits of Article Writing Services

Gives You Connections

Enhancing your brand visibility can also be achieved by publishing guest posts or applying for article writing on external websites’ blogs. Within these posts, you can incorporate a hyperlink leading back to a pertinent page on your website, such as the “products and services” or “contact” section. This strategy allows you to leverage the audience that these websites have cultivated over the years.

Nevertheless, identifying cooperative websites can be a challenging endeavor. Rather than enduring a slew of rejections, you can bypass the cold outreach process by enlisting a writing agency’s services. They can facilitate your connection with a reputable blog and craft an article that satisfies your objectives and the hosting site’s interests.

  • This furnishes you with additional content and opens avenues for monetization.

Quality and Consistency

The most prosperous blogs are those that consistently offer fresh content. Your potential new visitors come to expect this. To sustain a steady stream of high-quality content without compromising on quality, considering the option of purchasing articles is highly advantageous.

Whether your content requirements entail weekly updates or posts every other day, a writing service boasts a pool of skilled writers ready to cater to your needs. Moreover, they can format and publish the articles on your behalf. Recognizing that attention to detail holds as much significance as the broader perspective, ensuring precision in all aspects is crucial.

Should you discover a writer whose work resonates with you more than others, you can request their exclusive involvement in your future content creation. This arrangement benefits the writer by offering a more significant share of the compensation and elevates their morale.

Optimize Your Existing Content

  • Content writing services encompass both new content creation and optimizing existing website content.
  • Due to evolving search engine algorithms, many businesses need updated website content, negatively impacting SEO and rankings.
  • Content writing service agencies have experienced writers and SEO professionals ready to address this issue efficiently.
  • To enhance engagement rates, these agencies can repurpose existing content into various formats like webinars, social media posts, newsletters, and info-graphics.

Higher Search Engine Rankings and Web Traffic

By investing in exceptional content creators, you’re strategically positioning your business for improved search engine rankings and a substantial upsurge in website traffic.

A primary advantage of utilizing content writing services lies in their proficiency in crafting SEO-focused content and optimizing it for search engines.

Proficient content marketing agencies can assist you in crafting content enriched with appropriate keywords, elevating your website’s standing in search engine outcomes.

They conduct keyword research and seamlessly integrate these keywords into your content, ensuring a natural and captivating flow. Through the consistent publication of SEO-conscious content, you’ll get more significant online traffic to your website.

Increase in Sales

When aiming to enhance your brand’s prominence and drive heightened sales, investing in top-tier content creation can yield remarkable outcomes for your business.

One advantage of these services is the awareness of your brand. Accomplished article writers formulate captivating and well-crafted content that profoundly resonates with your intended audience.

Through a sustained delivery of superior content via digital marketing channels, you can establish your brand’s authority within your industry and cultivate trust among potential clients.

A robust strategy for web content composition can positively impact your rankings on search engines, simplifying the process for potential clients to discover your business.

Top 5 Article Writing Services 2023



The Upwork is one of the largest marketplaces providing you with the best article-writing services. Upwork operates with a unique approach compared to other services in this compilation. On Upwork, you can publish a job, and writers registered on the platform will present bids for your posted task. After evaluating their work, you can choose a writer from the bids you receive.

How it WorksYou create an account and then post an article writing job. Subsequently, you’ll be presented with proposals from prospective writers, and you can utilize their services and offered prices to identify the most suitable fit.   Following this, you collaborate and offer feedback directly within the UpWork platform.
CostAdin fee is 3 per cent of your total income. Also, its monthly pricing range starts from $49.99 per month.
Pros and ConsThe platform has many pros, but one of the benefits is that a pool of writers is available due to its popularity. , Also, they have active customer support.   Its most enormous cone is that it does not allow upgrading tools in its free plan; you have to pay an extra 3 per cent of your income.



Scripted is a premium freelance writer marketplace positioned at the upper echelon of the pricing spectrum. They offer a wide range of writers capable of producing different content types, from blog posts and social media content to product descriptions.

They deliver a straightforward interface and access to proficient writers, which emerge as an excellent choice for those seeking top-notch content and user-friendly convenience.

How it worksDecide what content you need and provide content briefly. Afterwards, you can select your writer and ask Scripted to find one.
CostThe platform charges a $150 monthly membership fee.
Pros and ConsThe significant benefit it provides is that you have to pay after you get your article written.   Single-article orders are not supported; instead, the platform operates on a subscription basis per month.   Also, it is Comparatively higher in cost compared to alternative services.



It offers article services for a wide range of niches like accounting, finance, consulting, and over 50 different types. All the logistics and paperwork of writers are handled by themselves, and they also have expert professional writers with various writing styles.

How it WorksUpon selecting your subscription plan, you can initiate content requests by inputting the title, necessary keywords, and additional particulars. Your initial content piece will be delivered within 48-72 hours. It provides the opportunity for feedback and ratings, which can make your search more selective and genuine.    
CostIt starts from $40 for 300 words
Pros and ConsYou can get free of cost content from another writer if you are not pleased with your selected writer.   Their customer support is only sometimes available.  


Every effective content marketing strategy demands well-crafted and comprehensive articles. Typically, the articles they provide enable writers to showcase their expertise and perspectives, leaving an impression that you possess a significant understanding of your industry or niche.

How it worksOrdering an article through FatJoe is a straightforward process. Just click the “Order Now” button corresponding to your preferred package. Subsequently, provide your necessary information and let the experts at FatJoe take it from there.   After completing your project, an email will be sent to you containing instructions to log in.
Cost The introductory plan pricing is $0.04 per word, while the pro plan introductory pricing is 0.08 per word.
Pros and ConsFeature of On-demand SEO is beneficial   While their customer services could be better.



It will give you thousands of highly professional expert copywriters to write articles on keywords of your demand. Many levels and types of content are also located on this platform.

How it WorksIt demonstrates two options; SELF SERVICE You’ll be in charge of your content, and TEXTBROKER will not edit or manage your article. MANAGED SERVICE In this, the whole article is outsourced by Textbroker.  
Cost0.023 cents per word.
Pros and ConsSelect a writer of your own choice. Also, the content is available in 60 different languages.   The prices for exceptional articles are very high, and a low-price article needs to satisfy the need.

Top 03 Cheap Article Writing Services Of 2023

Crowd Content


While various marketplaces exist, none go beyond the fundamental link between freelancers and clients. Clayton Lainsbury, the visionary behind Crowd Content and its CEO, aimed to construct a platform with remarkable potency and user-friendly simplicity.

The driving goal of the founder was to enhance the content creation process by bringing substantial value to it.

How it worksThe platform focuses on quality, not quantity, and the passionate team helps writers to create content more efficiently.   It’s user-friendly; choose your topic and length and leave it to professionals at Crowd Content.
Cost$3.48 for 25 words and $6.95 for 50 words



The platform strives to guarantee cheap article writing services and client satisfaction as its top priority. It boasts an above-average rating owing to its established track record of consistency and reliability. Moreover, it provides high-quality and customized content.

How it WorksSign in to your Account. In the “General guidelines” section, you can input any specific instructions or style preferences. You can even incorporate a hyperlink that outlines your directives, covering aspects like the subject matter and desired word count.   Furthermore, the comment column allows for additional remarks, including any special requests you may have.
CostStandard quality: 0.035 per word Premium quality: 0.05 per word  

Content Pit


Its expertise in crafting high-quality content that aids marketers in driving sales and businesses in attracting inbound leads. Additionally, Content Pit offers the option for custom orders on occasion. If the existing packages do not meet your requirements, you can contact them for a personalized article.

How it WorksThe writers deliver the content in Microsoft Word documents (.docx) format. However, there’s also an option to request content to be posted directly on WordPress.    It’s important to note that Content Pit’s turnaround time (TAT) is calculated based on business days, excluding weekends. The countdown for the TAT begins on the day when the order is reviewed and officially confirmed.
Cost1000 words: $49 2000 words: $97 3000 words: $141 5000 words: $231 10,000 words: $439 20,000 words: $839 30,000 words: $1229 50,000 words: $1999  


After reading the above list, we hope you have noted all the main aspects of every website providing exceptional article writing services. These lists are based on public feedback and Comments. Make sure to select the perfect site for your article writing projects. Businesses and clients highly recommend all of these platforms from the list. So, these platforms will help you in saving your time and money. Also, they are all FREE TO TRY, and most platforms provide fantastic discounts.