100+ Instant Approval Article Submission Sites for Success in 2024

100+ Instant Approval Article Submission Sites (But High DA Only)

100+ Instant Approval Article Submission Sites (But High DA Only)
Posted by Ashlie November 20, 2023

When creating an off-page SEO strategy, article submission is a crucial task. It is the best way to obtain high-quality backlinks for your website. The challenge arises when you have trouble finding free article submission sites. Don’t worry we have a solution to your problem, here in this article we listed 100+ a list of article submission sites for 2024  that guarantee instant approval, do-follow links, high domain authority, page authority, online presence and top ranking. We have personally submitted articles to these sites to ensure that individuals can easily publish their informative, unique, and manually written content.

What is Article Submission?

Article submission is an off-page SEO technique in which you write an article and submit it to a third-party website. In easier words, it is an OFF-PAGE SEO scheme through which websites create backlinks to modify their rank on SERP.

It is the art of creating engaging content with appropriate keywords embedded naturally intelligently. It is the only successful and fruitful method among all the SEO techniques.

The primary key is attracting the audience to your website without bearing any amount.

Article submission sites enhance and elevate your business’s online visibility and nourish it with credibility. By presenting valuable details and insights, the content possesses the capability to cultivate potential customers, subsequently converting them into clients. Writing unique headings and subheadings draws the attention of web seekers to your website.

Article Submission Role in SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) professionals are experts in writing informative and engaging articles that are also optimized for search engines. This means that their articles are likely to be found by people searching for information on the topic, which can help drive traffic to their website.

Many websites publish articles exclusively. These websites typically categorize their articles, making it easy for readers to find the information they seek. They also accept original articles from other websites and often provide links back to them. This helps establish a network of related websites, which can benefit SEO.

The Importance of Article Submission Sites in SEO

High-quality links from relevant websites is a perfect way to improve your ranks on the Google search engine. Also, Google and other search engines like Bing and Yahoo consider the quality and relevance of links when ranking websites. So, by getting links from high-quality websites relevant to your website, than there will be suitable chances that the website will rank.Natural links are the best type of links for SEO.

Natural links are organically placed on other websites without any paid or manipulative effort. Submitting your articles to high-quality websites is a great way to get natural links. When you submit an article to a website, the website owner may choose to link back to your website in the article. This is a natural way to get a link, and it is more likely to be considered by Google as a high-quality link.

Benefits of Article Submission Sites

Article Submission Sites

Article submission sites offer a great way to boost your digital marketing efforts. By submitting your articles to free article submission sites and high DA article submission sites, you can have the following benefits. 

Benefits Of Article Submission Sites

  • Get better Search engine rankings
  • Generate leads with free-of-cost marketing
  • Get yourself some genuine and permanent backlinks
  • If visitors will follow your backlink, organic traffic will increase drastically.
  • Article Submission, whether it Is of any kind, will boost your domain authority DA and improve page ranking.
  • Viral content stands a chance of getting high-quality and valuable relevant backlinks.
  • It’s a method of promotion and advertisement that attracts visitors to navigate your website.
  • Also, social media sites love content-rich articles, so submit them on multiple sites.

How does Article Submission work?

Starting the process of submitting an article on article submission websites is notably simple and direct. All you need to do is visit the site, locate the login section, and complete the signup procedure. Some article submission platforms also provide the option to log in using third-party services like Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, and others.

Here are some tips or steps to follow for the procedure of article submission;


Consistently submitting articles is crucial if you have a business plan for long-term success. When your content is thoroughly researched and fosters strong connections with article submission platforms, it can encourage individuals to reach out to you and actively seek out your website.

Top 100 Free Article Submission Sites List

WebsiteWebsite LinkDA Score
Google Sitessites.google.com97
Tech Sitetechsite.io52
SRM Articlessrmarticles.com19
Sooper Articlessooperarticles.com54
Self Growthselfgrowth.com63
Promotion Worldpromotionworld.com45
PR5 Articlespr5-articles.com52
PR4 Articlespr4-articles.com54
PR3 Articlespr3-articles.com54
Other Articlesotherarticles.com37
Merchant Circlemerchantcircle.com77
Herbal Tricksherbaltricks.com54
Bing Articlesbingarticles.info38
Article Trunkarticletrunk.com23
Articles Readerarticlesreader.com31
Article Seenarticleseen.com30
Article Polearticlepole.com39
Article Directory USAarticledirectoryusa.com21
Article1 UKarticle1.co.uk56
All the Websitesallthewebsites.org36
Airtract Articlesairtract.com/articles32
Writeup Cafewriteupcafe.com62
Write on Wallwriteonwall.com57
The Omni Buzztheomnibuzz.com57
Submit a Free Articlesubmitafreearticle.com38
Popul Articlespopularticles.com39
NY Biznet-USny.biznet-us.com47
My Trending Storiesmytrendingstories.com71
Go2 Articlego2article.com36
Global Article Finderglobalarticlefinder.com40
Articles AbiLogicarticles.abilogic.com55
Fortune Teller Oraclefortunetelleroracle.com45
Insert Articlesinsertarticles.info30
On Feet Nationonfeetnation.com53
American Articleamericanarticle.org26
Article MasterCraft Indiaarticles.mastercraftindia.com29
Simply Search 4 Itsimplysearch4it.com28
Open Articlesopenarticles.com26
Articles BDarticlesbd.com29
Studio9XB Articlesarticles.studio9xb.com37
SEO Forums Articlesarticles.seoforums.me.uk55
My Bikaner Articlesarticles.mybikaner.com53
123 Article Online123articleonline.com40
Uploadarticle Guest Postinguploadarticle.com56
Expert SEO Infoexpertseoinfo.com28
Business Stalkershttps://businesstalkers.com13
Acute Postinghttps://www.acuteposting.com/52
Microsoft A bloghttps://microsoftablog.com/53
Author Talkinghttps://www.authortalking.com/53

Top Instant Approval Article Submission Sites 2024

Website LinkWebsiteDA Score
letsdiskuss.com LetsDiskuss   65
articleted.com   Articleted42
abilogic.com Abilogic55
sooperarticles.com SooperArticles51
selfgrowth.com Self Growth60
apsense.com Apsense79

What are the best sites for submitting articles?

Many different sites are available on the internet, and each has a distinctive perspective from one another.

Guest Posting Sites

Guest posting sites allow writers to publish their work on other websites. This can help them reach a wider targeted audience and make relationships with other bloggers and website owners. Some popular guest posting sites include FORBES Guest and Fast Company.

Social Media Sites

Most of the Social media platforms like LinkedIn allow users to publish articles. This is the best way to reach a large audience; on that platform, articles are ranked easily and reach a wider audience.

PR Sites

These article submission sites are specially designed for press releases written by people around the World. Businesses and entrepreneurs can promote their services or products by submitting articles on these sites. The most common site is PR NEWSWIRE.

Niche Article Directories

These websites centre their attention on particular subjects or industries. Authors who contribute articles to specialized directories can effectively connect with an audience finely tuned to their specific focus. If you are dealing with technology, sites like Fast Company, The Entrepreneur, and Forbes are the most common, with high DR.

General Article Directories

These are the common sites that accept articles of any kind, and the most common example on Google for this is EzineArticles.

Academic Research

These sites approve academic articles related to education. Moreover, these article submission sites also accept research papers, conference proceedings, and other educational blogs.

Guidelines For Article Submission

Choose Wisely

Make sure to choose a high DR site. Before selecting the site, check out its rating and trust flow from tools like Majesty. It will help you out in shortlisting the sites.

Follow Rules

Each site has guidelines for writing articles; briefly read out guidelines and policies to submit articles. If you start submitting directly, your article can get ignored by website owners or moderators.

Quality Matters

Quality of articles is critical to success; write in an appropriate writing style and make sure your piece is distinctive from other articles. Use proper formatting, including headings and subheadings, to make your article easy to read.

Promote Your Articles

Once it is published on the site, promote it through your channels and share it with your fellow bloggers. Use emails and newsletters to reach a wider audience. In this way, the visibility of your article can increase in no time.

Faqs About Submitting Articles On Websites

Article submitting sites are those websites that provide you the opportunity to post your articles and gain visibility from a wider audience.

Usually, an administrative team evaluates the articles to ensure their quality and relevance before posting them on the website. Once they’re live, these articles become accessible to readers interested in the subject matter. These sites work.

Many submission sites are free, but paid versions are available for easy backlinks and exposure.

Most article submission platforms are open to articles spanning diverse subjects such as business, health, technology, lifestyle, and beyond. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to carefully review the submission guidelines of each site to confirm that your article aligns with their specifications.

These submission sites take a short time to be processed, but most require a particular process by which your articles are passed, and after acceptance, the particular article is published. It takes about 5 to 6 days.

It depends on the terms and conditions of the article submission site. If they have mentioned that you can’t post the same article on any other platform, then you are restricted to that particular website.